
Time and Material

Hourly rate is $85.00 per hour per man. Always upfront pricing. We communicate through the entire process.

Material Cost plus

We source the material for you. We charge a set percentage over cost to cover expenses. Percentage depends on location.

Project Bidding

 Give our team a call. We will give you a quote you can take to the bank. we can help with design and ideas also.

Houses, Barns, and beyond

We have a broad scope of electrical practices. With decades of experience we come to solve your issues. New construction, remodel, service panels, and lighting of all kinds. If it is electrical we can do it. 

Lightning and EMP protection

With the uncertainty of todays grid being stretched to the limit. Spy balloons flying across our country. Solar flairs at an all time. Have insurance on your hard earned home, emergency systems, and your vehicle to get home safe. The only military EMP and lightning protection on the market. 

Gate openers and Coop openers

We proudly install Ghost control openers for gates and chicken coops. Have a gate for security is always a good idea. Having an automatic gate opener with it is even better. You never have to leave your car until your safely inside. Chicken coop openers that open when it is morning, letting them out for the day. Safely closes at night to keep them inside and safe. No more forgetting the birds. 

Talk to us

Have any questions? We are always open to talk about your business, new projects, creative opportunities and how we can help you.